Can you imagine a world without sin? Where do you have fun? A little bit of sin is good for you, it makes you the better person through your experience and your winning toil agaginst Satan. You only have an aversion as a knowledgeable person, when you were a child you would have probably drank it and anything else put in front of you, it is not a God given aversion. Oh almost forgot, I think he was also giving his chosen ones the freedom of choice, through our cognitive reasoning.Why couldn鈥檛 God have created in us an aversion to sin like we have an aversion to drinking motor oil? ?
God did it is called a conscience. But most people think that is something named Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio
Read here in timothy how our very times we live in is prophecied. It can't be true since you think there is no God.
Do you think it was an educated guess maybe?
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
Some people actually try motor oil. That is why the warning is on the side of the carton. But if God made us that way, we would be automatic in our response. God wants us to push aside our own desires and adopt His ways. While it is not easy, it is much more healthy, physically, emotionally, economically and socially. God created us with choice, where aversion would have erased it. With this choice, when we choose God, it really pleases Him. He knows when we have chosen Him when we do as He commands.
That would not be free will. In order to have untainted or non-prejudiced free will, God must hide Himself and provide an equal choice of good or evil.
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.
KiraJen is correct. Once you make the decision to choose Jesus as Lord and Savior, an aversion to sin does come in to play. Sin becomes as distasteful to us as motor oil on the palette.
Mmmm... motor oil. *chuckle*
BTW: Radiator fluid is colored bright green at the factory because it is highly poisonous but not unpleasant to drink (animals are drawn to the flavor, in fact). The color was believed to look like something dangerous to drink.
Once you accept Jesus into your heart, the holy spirit starts to work on you and the thought of sin becomes more and more repulsive, of course there will still be some sin in us, that is human nature, but for the most part, we will have no use for it, and when we do sin, we will feel bad about it and seek forgiveness.
When the Holy Spirit is indwelling in us, it creates in us an aversion to sin.
If we reject the Holy Spirit's presence, we do not feel the aversion.
The only possible answer is that God likes to play with people or exert excessive power over them. I agree with you, if God exists, he should not allow people to sin, rather than punishing them when they do so.
He did.
Adam and Eve were born without any sin. But they sinned anyway thru' their diobolical pride and caused evil to come upon all mankind for all ages to come. Original sin.
because drinking motor oil is wrong and we tend to like to do wrong
place a clean oil can in a room
fill it with water and tell a child not to drink it
what do you suppose would happen?
Because apparently that would have been TOO easy for an all-powerful all loving god. /sarcasm.
We do. It's called conscience. We just don't always listen to it.
(And it works whether you're a christian or otherwise.)
A question better asked of God. But if we did not have a free an open choice we would not be able to become Children of God
we'd be angels
Good question.
Probably because you can't create anything if you don't exist.
Then we wouldn't think that we need him...
We wouldn't rely on him...
We need God, and he wants us to know it.
That would make it too easy, wouldn't it?
Hey! Lay off motor oil drinking!
Nothing like a cold, refreshing glass of 10W40!
If my aunt had she would have been my uncle.
God's way by faith.
without sin, why would we need god?
I'll Drink To That...LOL...!!
without sin, why would we need god?
He DOES in some of us! He will in you too if you ask Him!
What, and fill Heaven with riffraff like us?
That would never do...
that free will thing goes here
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