Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can we replace petrel and motor oil before time runs out?

theres plenty of oil in the world, you don't have to worry about that, they just want you to think that so they can keep the prices high. There is enough oil in alaska alone to last 3 or 4 generations that hasn't even been tapped into yet, theres enough oil in U.S alone that we could tell the arabs to kiss off if we had a smarter goverment and be self sustaining.Can we replace petrel and motor oil before time runs out?
I think we can replace the petrol or motor oil by bio-fuel. i.e. refined fish and chip shop leftover oil or refined plant oil. This would be good for the future market as this is environmental friendly and renewable.Can we replace petrel and motor oil before time runs out?
What? Who's and why is time running out?

We need to wait a while longer. My oil stocks are only up 400% in the past 3 years. I am shooting for 1000%.
yes, we have electric and hybrid vehicles now
if you mean petrol filer? then yes of course

you can replace when ever you want too!

but replce petrol on its own you will need to drain tank not an easy job?

and costly
what time.im sure petrel will still be round long after ur gone jimmy.
Not while there's money to be made on it fool!
I not sure of the dates, but, electric cars were around about 1920's it was just easier to use Oil.

I was way off, it was the 1800's sorry.

yes use a peddle bike..people power styli...
Since time is running out, why worry about it? I fail to see the significant relation amongst petrol, motor oil, and time. I must have missed something.
I'm not sure about petrel, but petrol is already replaced with electricity in some cars... They are not quite as cool but at least they don't pollute as much.
There are already alternate sorces of fuel on the market mineral oil from plants , bio fuels from plante and there are two models of cars that run on electric and hydrogen
'Petrel'. Why would we want to replace a lovely sea-bird before time runs out?

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