Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lawnmower Motor Oil Mixture?

I have a Troy-Bilt push lawnmower (Model No. 11A-426A011) and I've been trying to determine what the oil to gas mixture should be before adding more engine oil. I've misplaced my users guide and the Troy-Bilt website doesn't offer what I need. Does anyone know if there is a standard mixture, or where I can find a chart for particular models online? Thanks in advance!Lawnmower Motor Oil Mixture?
thats not a two stroke motor.its a 4 stroke motor.only 2 cycle motors like weed whackers need an oil and gas mix.looking at this picture you have a seperate thing for the you use just regular lawn mower oil.100%Lawnmower Motor Oil Mixture?
If a small engine (like a push lawnmower) has its own oil tank (like every push lawnmower I have owned throughout my entire life) then you do not use a gasoline : oil mixture in the fuel tank.

The oil goes in the oil tank only.

You put regular gasoline in the fuel tank all by itself. (Though I do highly recommend an ethanol treatment nowadays)
Usually 50:1 ratio for a 2 stroke. 4 stroke engines (what I think you have) usually dont require an oli/gas mixture. Look around the mower to see if there is a place to put oil only.
if you have a place for engine oil its a 4 cycle and doesn't,t require a gas mix
The most common is a 4:1 mix. 4 ounces to a gallon of gas

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