That will burn his skin and is highly toxic. Don't listen to stupid people.
If you hang out on Y Answers daily you will see litterally hundreds of people talking about their dogs chewing on their feet and legs and everyone saying its bla bla bla allergies etc, my dog does it too and on and on and on.. What these people do not realize is that these behaviors are caused by something. Stating its an allergy is all well and good but WHY?
Here's why... Vaccines cause skin problems and allergies. Cheap grain filled foods that dogs are NOT meant to eat cause allergies. Heartowrm prevention and flea and tick topicals cause allergies. People always want to fix the symptom and refuse for some reason to look at the cause and go from there.
The first thing you need to do is change this dogs diet. RAW feeding would probably be the answer to your prayer here. It has litterally saved thousands of dogs from self destruction. You also need to get this dog off of any so called 'preventative' medicines for fleas, ticks, heartworms until you get this problem under control.
For the life of me I do not understand why people will not wake up and smell the coffee here and realize that these things are FAR from NORMAL in dogs and should NOT be excused as.. oh its just an allergy.
If you really want to help your dog then I suggest you start at the core of the problem and feed him the best money can buy with no grains and preservative. This would be a raw diet.
This dog and thousands of others need relief.. not a bandaid on the symptom.
Seek the help of a Holistic vet.. Many do phone consultation. You can search for a vet here by state. Look for one that practices many modalities.
Feel free to e-mail me if you want to know more. I have a whole arsenal of info about vaccines and the damage they cause, commercial foods and the damage they cause and much more!
Good luck. I hope you can get your dog the relief he deserves.
The suggestions are well and good if you just want to put a bandaid on it, but if you want him cured it will take a lot more then a drug to control itching and as drugs go... more side effects. This dogs immune system needs healed, not masked with more drugs.Does motor oil help dogs?
Don't use burnt motor oil !! Its harmful, you might be interested in some of the remedies below for hot spots.....
WITCH HAZEL AND GOLD BOND POWDER, BURROWS SOLUTION %26amp; TEA TREE OIL, APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, there are many more at the link below. Try using natural/herbal solutions before you resort to burnt motor oil!!
NO,don't put it on,it can do more harm than good,especially if your dog licks it.Why not just take him to the vet? He could probably use a shot of cortisone and some medicated shampoo.If not,then just put Neosporin on the sore spots,and give the dog Benadryl,1 mg.per lb. of body weight.You also need to make sure to treat him for fleas.use Advantage or Frontline.
DO NOT put motor oil on any animal, it's poison to them. Be a responsible pet owner, get off the cash, and take the poor animal to a vet!!!
Motor oil is a poison to humans and animals. You need to talk to your vet about possible remedies that won't kill your pet, or send them into organ failure. Sometimes chewing of the skin is a behavior issue, is he possibly bored or agitated?
No, don't ever use motor oil. There is a good chance that he'll injest it and die. My lab get's hot spots every year and my vet said that it's ususally and in her case is caused by an allergy to fleas. Every time one bites her it causes her to itch really bad and chew until she bleeds. If it's bad you need to take her to the vet and he'll give her a shot of antihistamine to make the itching go away and give you a antibiotic to give to her for ten days if the skin is broken. He'll also tell you to give her some flea preventitive in a few days. Good luck.
It helps them die.
NO!!! not only is motor oil dangerous if ingested it also contains carcinegens(ingredients that cause CANCER) if you think that the chewing is a problem then wait until your dog gets a tumor and ends up dying... please do something different for your dog .... if you dont have enough money to take your dog to a vet there are animals services such as paws that is like low income like a free clinic for humans ... take him there if you cant find any over the counter meds
No take him to the vet.
For the love of G*d and all that is holy...
I don't know what kind of old school boneheads told you to do this, but please, don't.
He needs some meds, a cone to keep him from reaching the spots so they'll have a chance to heal, and an owner who would never put motor oil on him.
could be mange and there's medicine for that, too many pets die of cancer so don't agree to it
Do not use motor oil. Instead, seek a diagnosis and proper treatment from your vet.
It sounds dangerous to me,try putting it on your skin first,seriously CALL your vet.
No, it doesn't help. Don't put it on. The dog will then chew on it, and injest the motor oil which could result it death. Take the dog to a vet. They make medicine and sprays for hot spots. Also try an oatmeal bath.
NO! This will not help. He may be allerigic to something. He needs to see a vet. The only thing that MIGHT help is to go to the drug store and get a can of Dermoplast. Wash the affected area with warm water and mild soap, like puppy soap or some shampoo, dry it really well and then spray it with the Dermoplast. At very first contact it will sting like CRAZY and he might freak out a little bit but after a second or two it will stop stinging. This will dull the burning and itching and he'll chew on it less until you can get him into a vet.
NO!!! Take him to the vet. Doesn't it bother you to see him so miserable and you don't get him medical care?? If you can't afford the vet, you can't afford a dog. Or don't you want to spend your $$ on your dog?
Call your vet IMMEDIATLY. No, motor oil will just help him die quicker. If he chews it to the point it bleeds, that should be a warning sign to an owner. He's obviously uncomfortable with whatever's wrong with his tail and it could be serious. Take him to the vet ASAP so it doesn't get worse.
I hope he's okay... :]
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